Sunday, October 19, 2008

I've been tagged!

OK Kristal, I know I don't update very often :) Seven things about me........

1: I've moved more than 30 times in 30 years! But now every time I move I don't have to pack anything or really change my address as I just haul my house around on wheels behind the truck (RV!) and I use Kristal's address as mine.

2: I am afraid of heights but getting a lot better at over coming that. It has helped a lot just by living at the Grand Canyon and looking down so often :)

3: I'm sure I could have been a race car driver!!! I have found out that I like to drive a lot (Gary usually did all the driving on our trips) and there is nothing that equals the "power" I feel when stepping on the accelerator of our big diesel truck!!! Sounds great too :)

4: I have traveled through all but 5 states of the United States and have actually lived in 6 different states. (New Hampshire, Alaska, Texas, Louisiana, Tennessee and Arizona.)

5: I have lived in 2 different countries, United States and Germany and have been to 4 different countries, US, Canada, Mexico and Germany. And the Bahamas.

6: I too - like Kristal- pick up someones accent when talking to them, the English just comes out of my mouth without me knowing it! Quite embarassing sometimes.

7: In my younger years I always complained about my curly hair, but now that I have straight hair (no humidity to help it curl) I really miss it.

Now, I tag:

Penny, my "Bestest Buddy"

Linda, an unexpected great friend that I took to long to get to know.

Cheryl, and Barb my best friends in high school, we were known as the 3 musketters.

Darlene, my grade school, high school and still friend.

Dove, my new found friend from the North Rim.

And Jason, my son!!:) :)

1 comment:

Kristal said...

Yeah! You did it!

I love you! And I miss you so much! Can't wait for my weekend up there, whenever we decide it will be.